
Francis Metcalf Dog Training

Home of Canine Circus School and The Metcalf Method

Highly-effective, personality-specific training that develops responsive, confident, & skillful dogs

Canine Circus School Behavior Problems Obedience Confidence Skill Building

Pets Working Dogs Canine Conditioning Performance Competition Dog Trainer Training

Spring Schedule

Private lessons available on limited basis.

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Training dogs and dog owners to be extraordinary for over 30 years

Francis Metcalf is a leading expert in dog training who has spent over 30 years studying both modern and traditional dog methods - training every imaginable type of dog and function - pets, working dogs, protection, competition, and performance.

He’s culminated his knowledge and experience into The Metcalf Method - an integrated approach to developing high-functioning dogs tailored to your dog’s unique personality type, challenges, and goals. His training programs are effective, easy to apply, and always designed to be in the best interest of both you and your dog. He’s also the founder and head trainer of the World-Renowned Canine Circus School - where dog owners become exceptional handlers and dogs build exceptional skills.

Book an appointment.

Francis is looking forward to working with you and your dog! He meets with clients at their homes in the East Bay, at the Berkeley Marina, or via Zoom. If you’re out of his service area but need a house call, contact us for a custom training quote.

Francis works with puppies/new dogs, behavioral issues, obedience, competition, working dogs, performance - and of course - Canine Circus School tricks.

See you and your dog soon!